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| Tuesday, December 02, 2008


hahah sorry for not updating this blog for soooo long. Because I have been updating at the other place MUCH more frequently. URL: http://north-liv.livejournal.com

Reason for using that more often is because the interface is much more blogger-friendly than, er, blogger.

Another reason for updating there more often: I thought no one is tagging my tagboard anymore and I thought everyone knows I moved blog! HAHAHA.

Okay I shall try to update here more often. I'm not ready to let go of this blog yet. Or else I would have deleted it long ago. Should you find this dead again, you know where you should go to see more frequent updates. xD

You know I haven't logged in for SOOOO long I forgot my URL here! HAHAHA. I actually typed the URL of my old blog.

Anyway nothing interesting to update, I'm just superbly restless today, because tomorrow's my last day of exam, and last 2 papers! Despite not completing my revision yet, I had really lost concentration for this exams.

Speaking of which, I can't believe that I'm reaching the end of my third semester in NUS. It only seems like yesterday I'm still a freshie, not knowing how to get around the school, and now I'm kind of a guru of all the shortcuts in at least my faculty. I can't wait to see the guys to get into university! HAHAHA I think it would be pretty amusing seeing them lost and don't know where to go for their lectures especially during the 1st week of their semester xD

Okay that's it for now... I CAN'T WAIT FOR MY EXAMS TO END. RAWR.


Created at 7:02 PM

| Thursday, September 25, 2008

ZOMG, the 100th post of this blog! HAHAHA.

Recently I have been neglecting this poor blog. The last time I logged in was what, 1st August? That was so loooong time ago. Hahaha.

Reason I have been updating more over at Livejournal rather than here is because whenever I try to log in to Blogger, for some reason it will cause my whole computer to lag, which will in turn piss me off and sometimes some cursing. Oops. Anyway you guys don't need the details how terrible my mood will turn just because the stupid computer gets lagged for no reason.

So I have been updating at my Livejournal. Not that I didn't blog okay. Anyway one good thing about Livejournal is that I can also browse around some online shops if I want which are majority of Livejournal URL too. But alas, I still can't bear to just abandon this blog. I think I will start updating here from now, LJ the secondary one. This has been, after all, the ranting place for me for the last 4 years (plus the blog that our gilbird stalked, which of course is permanently abandoned).

Anyway I'm having recess week now, which is like ending (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO). It's been quite a while since I can really sit down and rot at home. Though I have tests to study as well (2 of them after recess week) but luckily they are of 2 weeks later. The life before this week was pretty hellish. How I missed my freshmen year and their comparatively easier modules :(

I hate it when my minor modules are doing so much better than my major modules.

Because I know deep inside myself I would rather major my minor. But alas, practicability took over and I decided Economics is for the best. Siggghhhh.

But what's the use of pondering over this issue, it has been decided. Right now what I can do is to be more diligent and study more for major modules lor.

I can't believe we are already at our sophomore year. HAHA. And the guys are going to ORD from their NS. It would be kind of weird to see them around in school again after 2 years, with them being freshies and us already graduating. The orientation, if I ever go back, would be the place to get back at them. MUAHAHAHA.

Okay never mind. That would be later, like 2 more semesters to go? Hahah. I see a lot fo my friends getting stressed up by their own school now as well. Gambatte kudasai!

This post is meaningless and the priority of this post is to revive this place from the dead.


Created at 10:58 AM

| Friday, August 01, 2008

I have approximately 10 minutes? before I finally leave this office for good. LOL.

Feeling a little bit of nostalgia. My colleagues have been a wonderful butch of people who have made my monotonous office life more colourful and they are the ones who had treated me so well I sometimes felt even closer to some of them than some of my univerisity friends. LOL.

Somehow, I'm having this dreadful feeling of leaving this office, because I don't know when I will see them again. They promised they will inform me of any outings and chalets they are holding, but who knows?

With the turnover rate of the office I'm working so high, people come and go, my exit of this office today may only be such little impact to my colleagues. Maybe some of them cared more for me (This colleague I'm closest with had half day off today. When I returned from lunch she left a packet of chocolates and stuck a post-it note on top to take care. I was pretty touched Dx), but most of them, well, nice but not very close.

I don't know, I never felt this way the last time I came to work... Maybe this time round, because I began to become more talkative, I had actually grown real attachment to this place.

However I'm relieved that work is ending, means I have a week before school stsrts to do whatever I like. Speaking of school, I'm really dreading it... and it's not because of schoolwork.

Sigh. So this is how it feels like when one is nostalgic. LOL.


Created at 6:08 PM

| Monday, July 28, 2008

I CAN'T BELIEVE I JUST SPENT $150++ ON AN ELLE BAG. HAHAHAHHAA. The 20% discount was too much to be resisted! It was $199. Anyway, its stylish and young, and the most important thing, it's RED! My colour-of-the-moment. HAHAHA.


Plus I have been online shopping these days because office jobs are so boring and thus, increasing my frequency in visiting online boutiques. Just ordered a top which will come at around Tues? Wed? Hahahha. Costing me around $25.

Plus I'm thinking of buying this Shiseido eye cream too (different from my current one). Apparently it is an improved version of the one I'm currently using now, at a hefty price tag of $92. LOL.

I have been splurging and indulging myself into retail therapy partly because of my off-colour mood recently. It was real bad, I broke down so much I think I had cried a whole stretch of river. HAHAHA. ALl the pressures and the unhappiness, plus school's starting (I don't really look forward to it... because for me, school isn't much fun :/) I feel so tired and exhausted recently too. These buys actually brightened my mood up not by notches but enough to keep my mood light-hearted for today.

Girls are just so easy to please hahah! As long as you have the money to treat ourselves well, pamper ourselves occasionally. What's money for? We should let money become our slaves; I had nearly fell into a modern trap of becoming a slave for money. We think so much about trying to earn as much money as possible we had lost our smiles, our leisure, our precious time. As what my piano teacher told me, he is leaving the piano school as he is working like mad (he works wed to sun, 9a.m to 9p.m!!! crazy) and feels he has no life despite him being paid well. He feels that he deserves a better life than having only his job circling his life. I felt so much in sync with his thoughts, I finally figured out that I have been slogging myself too hard for money.

So in a way, I had taken revenge on money by splurging them all last sat. HAHAHH!


Created at 11:35 AM

| Saturday, July 19, 2008

I can't believe how immature a 20-year-old guy can become when things happen.

I sincerely always thought that intelligence and maturity come with age. Apparently someone proved me wrong and it seems that this does not apply to everyone.

With so many domestic troubles and external frustrations going on this period, I'm super pissed off. It must be my PMS. RAWR.


Created at 10:55 AM

| Tuesday, July 08, 2008

I feel that I'm quite a scary person. Sometimes when I do some reflection on myself, think of things that happened recently especially when I'm on my way to work alone (because I walk 25 minutes to the mrt station everyday, so leaves me with plenty of time to ponder about stuffs), there are times I surprise myself so much how different my true self can be from the self I have been showing people.

Let's see. I can be good tempered, really. I try not to lose temper whenever I can, but mostly because there's not much things I will really blow my top in the first place. But when you just step on my tail, that's it. I'm really lousy at controlling temper. So it's kinda like, I'm not exactly what you call a good-tempered person, because I cannot control my anger once you trigger it and I think I can be really scary after that. Maybe the reason why people think that I'm kinda good-tempered is because there are actually very few things that can make me really angry, so you don't see my losing temper often (which is a good thing for you and I LOL).

I experienced that kind of feeling just yesterday night when I walked home with my brother. I was arguing with him about some touchy subject (which I would rather not describe here, not because it's too private but because it goes a long way). I realised that I REALLY HATE NAGGINGS, and I'm ultra sensitive to people who insist that they are right and they think that they know the best and everything. Unfortunately my brother's kinda like that, and once he becomes like that he phrases everything so offensively I feel like slapping him in the face HAHA. Really, his tone can be really blunt and offensive at times.

I hate people using the 'as-a-matter-of-fact' tone. I would suddenly wish that looks can kill because my face will turn instantly murderous ;D

I hate people contradicting me when I think that I'm not in the wrong right form the start, or if I am really in the wrong (and I know it), please stop nagging and say it only once because I WILL GET IT. Twice and I can get really black-faced.

I'm kinda like a time bomb. When you step on my tail at first, I would try to oontrol my anger and bottle up everything inside me, and retorting whatever's against me whenever necessary. When the argument gets heated up and the inner ball of fire that was right down inside me begin to rise to my diaphragm (or w/e it's spelled), I would suddenly shout at you and all the *#&!)(@&!)@(&)!(@ starts coming out and most probably I would end up so angry my whole face becomes red and it will end up being a shout match. LOL.

Reason why I blog about it? Because I feel like it :D

Oh yeah btw, I'm getting tired of my mum assuming things she thinks happened when IT DOESN'T EVEN HAPPEN. And often it's this case I took so much offense in it that I would immediately shout back. And the rest is history. The new Cold War between her and I had just started -.-


Created at 3:35 PM

| Tuesday, July 01, 2008

I have many gadgets and stuffs I wanna buy, but they are of such large scale expenditures my poor bank account looks like it's gonna be empty as soon as I start buying them.

Alright, by now you guys should know that the Japan trip ZT and I are planning to go end of this year is more or less decided, but not settled yet. If this plan goes through, I'm planning to set aside $3000 for it. 3K!!! I'm so gonna be broke.

And then there's this LG phone I have been eyeing, this 'Secret' series or whatever it's called, but it sure is one beauty. PLUS my plan is ending this end of year, and this phone is currently priced near $900. By the end of year, it should be 300-400? Blah. I don't know about this, because I have never bought any phone which costs more than $200 because I always aim those cheaper phones. But now the situation's different... I guess when you grow up, you will start to desire 'better' stuffs (like how now I don't mind saving up for this Calvin Klein watch which costs $365 x.x)

Oh yes that CK watch. But that's in my lust list HAHA. That's optional. The phone I hope I can buy it. But if it stays at the near-400 end, I will think of another option.

AND I'M PLANNING TO BUY A LAPTOP! I'm waiting for the next IT fair to come. I have narrowed down to Dell Inspiron series, 1420 and 1525 Widescreen which cost $1299 and $1399 respectively. I really, really want to get one laptop soon.

Plus all of them together... It's like $5000+ already. Die.


Created at 10:36 AM


SF, 19 *sigh*
thinks search engines are more of a nuisance than help
is a fangirl of FFVII, FFXIII Versus
can be really crazy beyond hope if she feels restless
thinks she has no musical talent, but plays the piano anyway.


to slack around. I love rotting at home than going out the whole day shopping. and i'm serious.
Link Out

[Kah Lok]
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