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| Thursday, September 25, 2008

ZOMG, the 100th post of this blog! HAHAHA.

Recently I have been neglecting this poor blog. The last time I logged in was what, 1st August? That was so loooong time ago. Hahaha.

Reason I have been updating more over at Livejournal rather than here is because whenever I try to log in to Blogger, for some reason it will cause my whole computer to lag, which will in turn piss me off and sometimes some cursing. Oops. Anyway you guys don't need the details how terrible my mood will turn just because the stupid computer gets lagged for no reason.

So I have been updating at my Livejournal. Not that I didn't blog okay. Anyway one good thing about Livejournal is that I can also browse around some online shops if I want which are majority of Livejournal URL too. But alas, I still can't bear to just abandon this blog. I think I will start updating here from now, LJ the secondary one. This has been, after all, the ranting place for me for the last 4 years (plus the blog that our gilbird stalked, which of course is permanently abandoned).

Anyway I'm having recess week now, which is like ending (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO). It's been quite a while since I can really sit down and rot at home. Though I have tests to study as well (2 of them after recess week) but luckily they are of 2 weeks later. The life before this week was pretty hellish. How I missed my freshmen year and their comparatively easier modules :(

I hate it when my minor modules are doing so much better than my major modules.

Because I know deep inside myself I would rather major my minor. But alas, practicability took over and I decided Economics is for the best. Siggghhhh.

But what's the use of pondering over this issue, it has been decided. Right now what I can do is to be more diligent and study more for major modules lor.

I can't believe we are already at our sophomore year. HAHA. And the guys are going to ORD from their NS. It would be kind of weird to see them around in school again after 2 years, with them being freshies and us already graduating. The orientation, if I ever go back, would be the place to get back at them. MUAHAHAHA.

Okay never mind. That would be later, like 2 more semesters to go? Hahah. I see a lot fo my friends getting stressed up by their own school now as well. Gambatte kudasai!

This post is meaningless and the priority of this post is to revive this place from the dead.


Created at 10:58 AM


SF, 19 *sigh*
thinks search engines are more of a nuisance than help
is a fangirl of FFVII, FFXIII Versus
can be really crazy beyond hope if she feels restless
thinks she has no musical talent, but plays the piano anyway.


to slack around. I love rotting at home than going out the whole day shopping. and i'm serious.
Link Out

[Kah Lok]
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