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| Saturday, May 31, 2008

Okay. This morning another stupid guy called me and said he JUST saw my resume which I sent a week ago and he wants to offer me a job. So effective huh.

But I no longer felt sad. Hahaha. This time round, though I'm back to the same old building, same old department, I'm working in a different team. This team's work is so much more challenging, and I realised that I'm the only one in this team with my supervisor, who is the head of the team as well! Means now everything I do, I report directly to her, which was not the case last time, as my previous supervisor was not the head of the team I worked for, so my work is vetted through by her before submitting to the head. So I must say I'm pretty pressurised this time round.

I thought I would be doing the same old thing when I go back, but no! This time round, I'm so busy rushing the dateline for this project we are doing on that I had much much lesser time to browse through the Net. I don't feel like a temp anymore. I used to do those what temps are supposed to do, like filing, data entry, and being a runner for errands. This time round I'm doing what the perms are actually doing, so one of my colleagues whom I had known from the previous time I worked there teased me by saying I'm cheap labour and UOB is saving money because I'm doing work that temps aren't supposed to do -.-

I seriously think this is like internship this time round! Just that I'm earning a little more than interns do. The department is still almost the same, with maybe 50% of the people I don't know yet because they only came in after I went off previously. The ones I still knew really treated me very well, so that really made my days in the otherwise-super-duper-boring-and-stressful job. Lol. I grew closer to a particular colleague. Though she's maybe, uh, 26, 27? I can talk to her about anything under the sun lol. So I'm much happier now than previously, though I realised I'm more tired whenever I come back from work.

I learned a lot of stuffs this time round, though it's only a week, I felt I learned much more than the 7 months work. Like really. The supervisor now is much more knowledgeable than the previous, though the previous was much nicer <______________< I'm quite intimidated working under her, because the previous one working under her was scolded very badly by her everyday... T___T As you can guess, she's not very popular within our department xD

Well, a week has passed, but I found the job not as unbearable as last time. I'm surprised at it, because I was expecting the same monotonous pace, but it wasn't. My colleague said UOB will be a place to fall back on next time for a permanent job if I can't really find another one, but I doubt I wanna go back again.... T_T Seriously, it's more of the colleagues who are the main motivation for me to stay on in this job.

So, what have you realised? Public relations are very important.

Come to think of it, I may well consider human resources next time as my permanent job. Hmmm.


Created at 10:38 AM

| Monday, May 26, 2008

I started work today~

I was quite reluctant to pick up the phone and call the secretary for job vacancies last thursday. But I was pretty desperate for a job at the point of time, considering after sending resumes to 6 different job opportunities are none replied back after 3 to 4 days. I once said I would never go back to UOB, but alas... there I was in the same office, 3 hours ago xD

THEN something had to happen. At around 3pm, THIS guy, from a job I had applied for sometime last week, has to call and said I landed the job. Though it's admin too (for Recruit Express), it's a change of environment. When I received the call, I REALLY feel like accepting the job offer. SIGH.


But at least UOB is paying me better now. Maybe because I found this job myself this time round. I'm getting too tired to blog more. I shall find time to blog... soon.


Created at 9:51 PM

| Thursday, May 22, 2008

This morning, 1.11a.m at Changi Airport Terminal 3, I witnessed something that seems to be so ordinary, but heartwarming.

The laughter, the tears, the smiles, the speechlessness, drove off the ghost of the terminal, which would be otherwise deafening silent without our presence.

The hugs, the commotions, brought the spirit back into my tired body as I fought hard to drive off the sleepbug infiltrating my head (slowly).

I felt glad that I'm there, even if it means sacrificing my beauty sleep (LOL).

Welcome back, my friend :)


Created at 4:25 PM

| Thursday, May 15, 2008

First, the Myanmar cyclone. Now, the Sichuan earthquake. Happened in less than a month concurrently.

What's becoming of this world?

Whenever I saw the photos of the disaster-struck places, they will never fail to drive me close to tears. The figures, statistics of death toll and the words that described how devastating and desperate the situations are aren't even close to the impact that the pictures had on me.

I wanted to update about what happened these few days about my life, those outings... these things have become so trivial, minute in size.

Sigh. I have such a vulnerable weak spot for these kinda stuffs.


Created at 6:55 PM

| Monday, May 12, 2008

Did a really simple change of my blogskin (though the colour change in HTML codes are getting complicated for me since it's been a long time since I changed my blogskin T_T) and the result... not really to my satisfaction, but shall settle with this for now (because i'm really sick of my greenish skin! XD).

Wanted to do something about the Versus XIII but decided not to, I shall leave that for later xD

I seriously think I will redo this blogskin because i'm not really satisfied. Hmmm...


Created at 4:55 PM

| Thursday, May 08, 2008

Exams are over!

Anyway, this means that I have break from yesterday to early August : D

I have already submitted my resume to Recruit Express for a holiday job, I think I will only work for 2 months the most. A bit tired of working, but there's no use rotting over the holidays. I mean, there's nothing for me to revise (NOT THAT I WANT TO) since the modules I'm going to take next semester are different from the previous semester. Yeah yeah still econ, but different module altogether.

But anyhow, I'm glad that this break is here! Woo! I have plenty of things to do, ever since PS2 is moved into my room xD This means I can play games till wee hours of morning. I'm currently playing FFXII so that it can take my mind off FFXIII Versus xD But the game till now is okay la. Maybe I haven't get to the climax yet, because the plot so far isn't that exciting yet. I hope it's 'yet' hahaha

And and and I'm going to stream lots and lots of videos! Too many to catch up hahaha

Anyway, I went on a shopping spree yesterday and today. I can't believe I spent $100+ already x.x


Created at 7:39 PM


SF, 19 *sigh*
thinks search engines are more of a nuisance than help
is a fangirl of FFVII, FFXIII Versus
can be really crazy beyond hope if she feels restless
thinks she has no musical talent, but plays the piano anyway.


to slack around. I love rotting at home than going out the whole day shopping. and i'm serious.
Link Out

[Kah Lok]
[Kelvin Soh]
[Kelvin Soo]
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