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| Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Whee, two exams down, three to go, with one econ paper tomorrow lol.

I just finished studying for wednesday's paper, but i haven't even touched on the two papers for next week. Bravo. One of them is a biology paper somemore HAHA. I'm supposed to sleep now so that I can wake up earlier tomorrow to study mooore (though I said I 'finished' studying but you know it's never enough studying until the minute you enter the exam hall and you have no choice but to enter even though you REALLY haven't finished studying). But I can't sleep. I'm struggling to keep this groggy feeling in my head off, which means it needs sleep and rest desperately because earlier I had one of my exams. But I can't sleep. I have no idea why. So I'm here to blog. For what? I have no idea too. I just feel like it.

I dreamt yesterday night that I'm already in Osaka with Zhen Ting. You know, we are planning this Japan trip which hopefully can really work out by June which we wll then book the tickets and if everything's successful we will be off flying to our dream vacation place with Zhen Ting's friend as well, FINALLY. I think I'm too eager for the trip because the DREAM WAS SO REAL! I dreamt that we were in the hot springs. HAHAHA. I can remember those insignificant details as well. Like finding a toilet. LOL.

I'm really thinking of what to do to make my life more colourful and exciting after my exams. Finding a job is of course, the best way to spend the holidays, but quite sian at the thought of it. But AIYA. I also don't know what to do.

Now I'm already considering what to take for next semester. I have unfortunately made up my mind that I should stick to being an Economics major after all. I had really given a lot of thoughts seriously on this issue about my major because they can really affect my future. Though I'm really really interested in media as well, I realised that I love studying about economics as well, no kidding. What really was stopping me earlier from taking it as a major is the math. And I guess I can overcome this fear if I really put in effort into this area. Hopefully I wouldn't regret, but I have come to realise that I actually still have the passion to analyse the flow of financial market all over the world despite the intensive and boring modules I have ben taking for econ. Which is pretty much a miracle. Haha!

So I guess I'm not going to let my 'handicap' in math to stop me from pursuing my interest. I seriously *HOPE* I won't regret because I can see a tough road ahead for my university academic life for taking such a challenging major (Even Smelly despised it LOL). I would still continue pursuing media as a minor. UNLESS. If my econ results for this semester are really horrible. THEN I shall give second thoughts again x.x

Till then, I shall study HARD for my next econ exam which is going to be tomorrow. I WANT 7TH MAY TO COME QUICKLY!


Created at 1:02 AM

| Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Anyway, I was mugging econ earlier. I'm a self-confessed lazy bug who can't sit still for more than an hour at my study desk to study without being distracted by anything. If there's anything I'm proud of, I started revising for my exams since 2 plus weeks ago. That put me much ahead of my studying schedule normally when I only study 1 week before, but it must be this mentality that made me think that THERE'S NOTHING TO HURRY, and I hardly study for 3 hours a day. Die.

Anyway I deviate.

I was scribbing and practising my econ equations unwillingly when I started drawing something random. I started to draw jagged lines and somehow... it turned to a distorted lip. Then I started adding more details to the nonsense. Then I went crazy and draw out a whole head. And added Cloud's hair(roughly). Then I sniggered and giggled to myself how silly it looked (and started thinking OMG IT LOOKS A LIL LIKE CLOUD XD). Then I can't resist drawing Zack the same way. Without the jagged distorted lips though of course. Can't imagine? Let the picture speak the details.

(CLOUD'S LIPS ARE SMEXY. SOMEHOW. Just concentrate on the right. The left's all my silly workings.)

All this happened within a minute, 蜡笔小新's style. At least the eyes are like that. I think I can consider being a freelance graffti artist if I'm bored next time. Buahahaha. Somehow I'm more amused and satisfied with this than when I spent a couple of hours perfecting my sketches when I have the time. And of course after this, I got distracted so much that I haven't studied since 3+pm.

I'm bored. Don't ask why I kept the lips that way. And I didn't draw that on Zack. Eh? Eh? No I'm not showing any favourism ;D

End of madness rant. Now back to my mugging. I can't wait for 7th May. I wanna get my own PSP so that I wouldn't feel guilty of possessing my brother's right now and when I play it it doesn't feel like it's mine.


Created at 6:44 PM

| Sunday, April 20, 2008


Oh man. I completed this game in 4 or 5 days. So addictive! And if you are a FInal Fantasy fan, all the more you shouldn't miss this one. Even if it means you have to own a PSP. Now.

For those who played FFVII 10 years ago already on PS1, this one's a prelude to the main story. Yes, they produced the prelude only after 10 years since the original game released -.- Now Crisis Core made me addicted to FFVII. I WANNA PLAY FFVII NOW! But who the heck will own a PS1 nowadays?!

I have the option to download this game from the internet and play it on an emulator, but the graphics are still PS1 like :( after playing Crisis Core which have PS3 graphics standard and watching their CGI movie, it's just cruel for me to go back to the lego graphic days xDDDD I PRAY FOR THE DAY WHEN SQUARE ENIX FINISH ALL THEIR CURRENT PROJECTS AND REMAKE FFVII INTO A PS3 GAME!

The ending was real sad but ended really beautifully (it's not like those you will curse after playing a fantastic game and the ending sucks that kind), and the theme song was freaking good (It's from this newcomer Ayaka. I love her songs man). I swear the Japanese are one group of freakingly talented people who write the best storyplots and they will leave you ponder about their games even after many many days T_T Though I know Wha's gonna happen in the end, IT IS STILL REALLY HEART WRENCHING AH.

Now I have a new fictional character to fancy about! HAHAHHA ZACK-SAMA.

(Okay la ZT, i'm no longer prejudiced against Cloud. A bit wimpy but okay. But Zack is still the best. nahahahha)

Whee. And I'm having exams next week. What perfect timing for me to get addicted to something man xD The last thing I was so addicted to anything was when I watched Gundam Seed. Now I'm surfing FF stuffs like mad. I WANNA PLAY MORE FFs! I wanna play FFX too, I heard it's realy good as well. And FFVIII, and the upcoming FFXIII. BUT REMAKE FFVII FIRST LAH. Please.

Now I want my PS2 back. Because FF games are mostly for PS2, and mine's spoilt. There's no FF games for PS3! :(((

Okay I know I'm a bit mad now. Woooooo after exams, I'm DEFINITELY changing the picture in my blog : D


Created at 6:27 PM

| Thursday, April 03, 2008

I feel like a kid in the kindergarden screaming and crying outside the classroom for my mummy and daddy because I don't like attending school.

Wait. I think I am. The screams and cries just shifted into my mind and internal world of mine that's all.

With all those disappointments, frustrations, worries all crammed up and bottled up within oneself more and more as we grow older since we voice out lesser, it's no wonder why there are more mental patients nowadays.

And all of them are adults. Ever heard of a kid getting stressed out and becoming mad? Unless the kid doesn't voice out. Just like how it is abnormal when a newborn baby doesn't have its cry right after it is delivered.

Sometimes, I just ENVY kids. Sigh. Why didn't I cherish the times I had?


Created at 12:29 AM


SF, 19 *sigh*
thinks search engines are more of a nuisance than help
is a fangirl of FFVII, FFXIII Versus
can be really crazy beyond hope if she feels restless
thinks she has no musical talent, but plays the piano anyway.


to slack around. I love rotting at home than going out the whole day shopping. and i'm serious.
Link Out

[Kah Lok]
[Kelvin Soh]
[Kelvin Soo]
[Kim Soon]
[Ming Hao]
[Pei Zhi]
[Qin Qi]
[Zhen Ting]


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