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| Monday, March 31, 2008

Thanks to Xinyu's blog, I started watching 1 Litre of Tears after 3 years of delay. After countless of recommendations. I thought the reviews were too exagerrated, saying it's so good and blah blah blah and most importantly last year the main actress acted too much a stuck-up brat I thought this series isn't worth watching after all. Yup I'm easily prejudiced against stuffs. Hah.

I started watching approximately last friday. I just finished it today! This is like, one of the fastest amount of time i spent to finish a whole drama. It is so good, it really led me to shed 1 litre of tears... and made me almost forgot how bratty the main actress was in reality, it made me want to believe the reality was a mistake. How powerful can a drama get? It actually led me to hallucinate LOL.

After finishing the series, it reminded me again how fragile life really is, how much I have been taking for granted, thinking a healthy body is something that comes naturally to everyone who's born into this world, and if you live healthily, you don't smoke and drink, you will be healthy forever, at least till your old age. Plus it made me reflect the wonders of having a whole and caring family, if I had a past life, I must have been really sacrifical and kind to be granted so much of what it seems to be 'ordinary' to us. These things seem to come so naturally and ordinary because we are perceived to view this way, because we are surrounded by so many 'ordinary' people, with 'ordinary' lives, which made us sort of 'narrow minded' in a sense... we never knew how different people can be in our society, how much they yearned for something this simple and ordinary. We never got to view and live with these people.

Imagine one having this disease that will slowly degrade your nervous system, which one is fully aware of since the degradation doesn't affect the mind, one wouldn't be able to walk, talk, eat and be bedridden, slowly but very surely, since it's incurable. There are medicine to slow down the progress but it is certainly progressive. What's worse is you don't know what you have done to get this disease, since the cause of it is unknown as well. Omg. And this drama is actually a real life story of this 15 year old girl, based on her diary which is written for years till she could no longer control her hand and hold a pen, can view this all so optimistically and never thought of giving up. That was 30+ years ago.

This is like, so inspirational after you watch it. Makes you think of what you have, who and where you are right now. Makes you learn how to cherish what you have at the moment, and try not to take everyday for granted. Makes you think that all the problems you are plagued with now, regardless from studies, work or NS, they are trival matters. This is the power of video streaming.

Suddenly you feel so great right? To have the mobility to move freely for a long time to come, not knowing when you will reach your physical and health limits. Sometimes ignorance is bliss. We all know we are going to die one day. But knowing and not knowing when makes a whole lot of difference to your life.


Created at 8:17 PM

| Wednesday, March 12, 2008

School is getting more unbearable every minute.

And I swear, NUS's test and exam systems are corrupted.



Created at 10:30 PM

| Sunday, March 02, 2008

EEEK! Today is the end of my Recess Week! GASP!

Time flies. Oh my.

Anyway the talk of the town recently is none other than the escape of our most wanted man, Mas Selemat (delibrately spelled wrong. I don't wanna be one of the websites that appear in the search engine) bin Kastari. He's really capable in numerous ways. Let's see...

1) He escaped from one of Singapore's Detention Centres, a country which has their tight security as their pride all these years. GASP!

2) He caused massive jams at the Causeway and the Second Link because of the intensive inspection going on for every single vehicle exiting the country. Poor lorry drivers are the worst hit. They have to wait on average 3 hours longer than usual! GASP no 2!

3) He mobilised the biggest manhunt ever in Singapore. GASP no 3!

4) He, by far, has the most number of his own photos pasted all over the island. GASP no 4!

... and so on. I'm too lazy to think of more.

Actually, because of this manhunt, I realised how helpless and pampered we Singaporeans are. 90% of the interviewed said that they have 'faith in our security forces' and it's only a matter of time they would catch him back to the detention centre, but I beg to differ. Where did they find the confidence from? On what ground did they make that statement from? Did they ever really witness how efficient our Armed Forces are able to catch an escaped terrorist?

Let's see, the most recent guy that escaped from the police grasp was that Huang Na's murderer Took Leng How or however his name was spelled. The next day he was caught. Why? I'm not discrediting our security forces entirely for that swift capture because they were indeed fast to inform Malaysia and station at all exits, but it was mainly because he surrendered himself while in Malaysia.

And all the while he's in Malaysia, our dear police were at Causeway searching car boots.

So where did all the confidence come from? I feel that our government has done an excellent job reassuring the public of their capability in capturing these criminals. Why only announce the escape after 4 to 5 hours to the public? They say because they felt he is not posing any immediate danger.

BUT HELLO. HE'S A WANTED TERRORIST. HE WANTED TO CRASH A PLANE INTO CHANGI AIRPORT ONCE. I don't believe he wouldn't find means to arm himself within that few hours.

I feel that Singaporeans 'have trust in our armed forces' simple because they are just shifting their helplessness to something they can fall back upon, or the only thing they know of to fall back upon. I don't deny I felt pretty helpless because I have a really lousy facial memories of people and if he's right in front of me now with no disguise whatsoever I would only assume he's just another malay.

We are so pampered!

Singaporeans are of course a batch of highly educated people. Smart enough for mothers to delibrately give birth to their child at 0000 hours on 29th Feb because it's a leap year and they know that the first leap year baby gets a MDIS Scholarship and his/her university fees are fully paid by MDIS in the future. WOAH. SO SMART RIGHT. Not to forget 1st Jan and day one of lunar new year.

But what happened to our intelligence when it comes to urgent national stuffs that endangers our safety? We can't even protect ourselves.

And this is why I got kinda pissed off when on Total Defense Day this particular group of kids in a primary school would rather go hungry than eat a 'dirty sweet potato. how to eat?!", complain because air-conditioners and fans are off and it's 'too hot to study', and cannot see the whiteboard because 'lights are not on' during the MORNING. I just want to go up to them and slap them on the face numerous times HAHA.

SO IDIOTIC RIGHT. Spoiled brats. They still have sweet potato okay. It was porridge + soy sauce last time.

I think we will be the first to die if there's another World War D:


Created at 10:21 PM


SF, 19 *sigh*
thinks search engines are more of a nuisance than help
is a fangirl of FFVII, FFXIII Versus
can be really crazy beyond hope if she feels restless
thinks she has no musical talent, but plays the piano anyway.


to slack around. I love rotting at home than going out the whole day shopping. and i'm serious.
Link Out

[Kah Lok]
[Kelvin Soh]
[Kelvin Soo]
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