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| Thursday, January 17, 2008

If you know me well enough, you know I usually don't bear grudges. But when I do, it's for a really, really long time.

This morning, I decided to act smart and do something that I usually won't bother to do on msn, but it's freaking tempting. A PRANK.


It's good if you don't get it, or not even know who this person is. Because she's not worth knowing. Seriously. Anyway I stayed put like this for 5 minutes. Before I blocked her for good. F*ck, why am I even in the same school and faculty as her EVEN in university.

p.s. Don't learn from me kids! It's a very immature prank to do! LOL.

Explanation of The Prank: I was very bored, and I saw her contact. Her nic was already like that when I logged on. Then I decided to change my nic to complement hers. Now is it clearer to you? hahaha.

Created at 12:28 PM

| Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Last day of my holiday, before returning to NUS for Semester 2.

The previous week was basically just rotting at home, watching movies, watching NODAME. The SP is superb. Holy, it ended just as perfect as the whole series itself.

I have no reason to blog today, I just suddenly felt the need to update my blog after a period of not blogging. For some reason, I can't wait for this year's CNY. It's less than a month's away! w00t.


Created at 9:30 AM

| Tuesday, January 08, 2008

The reason I'm still up and blogging, I know not. Despite having swallowed ethis flu medication (YES I UNFORTUNATELY CAUGHT THE FLU BUG) and being drowsy, I still do not feel like sleeping yet. Don't ask why. We humans are weird species.

Anyway, after slacking totally for 1 month plus, next week's school reopening. Mixed feelings, because I know that I really really need to work extra hard to get the CAPS I want so badly. I really wanna be a Honours student. Who doesn't? And a quality one. Not some 'japalang' 3rd class honours. In this case I would rather settle with Pass with Merit. Sadness.

But if fate decides for me to get that. Well. Darn it. I have got to learn to settle for the next best and be contented and say Amen.

I'm not typing properly now because of the drowsiness (DARN IT) but I still wanna type. I don't want to fall asleep yet. Wooo. Let's see.

This is the 1st blog post of 2008! Yay? >_>

I spent the New Year's Eve in a less boring manner this year. Every year, I would either sleep through the countdown, or I will dutifully report to the front of the television and watch the countdown party, and sometimes mumbled with them when they get all excited during the last seconds of the Old Year. Spent the night over at Roy's house (SOUNDS WRONG AHAHA) with NPCC peeps and got high for real for the first time in my life. Really, the company matters. So thus the stayover ended with a happy note, with myself dragging my heavy bones back home at around 9am to sleep (which I managed to stay awake long enough to eat my Roti Prata). Which is quite an achievement, considering I only caught a wink of sleep from 5am to 6am. I'm too lazy to type out the details on whatever happened during the stayover, but yeah. It was fun. Yea.

As for new year's resolutions, I have learnt to be a realist rather than an optimist. I have faced the fact that I am bounded to break my resolutions sooner or later, so this year, I'm not making one and thus, no pressure in keeping one :) Though I DO hope I can finally get my lazy arse off and STUDY. Okay before you snigger, I CAN DREAM ABOUT IT OKAY? Okay. Fine. Great. Bravo. >_>

I can't believe this year's the year we are all turning 20! So old v.v Semester 2 is starting next week and, wait... didn't I mention this before already?

Oh my, I think I really need sleep now. Cya peoples. Happy New Year. Happy 2008.

(P.S I need a new blogskin D:)

Created at 1:02 AM


SF, 19 *sigh*
thinks search engines are more of a nuisance than help
is a fangirl of FFVII, FFXIII Versus
can be really crazy beyond hope if she feels restless
thinks she has no musical talent, but plays the piano anyway.


to slack around. I love rotting at home than going out the whole day shopping. and i'm serious.
Link Out

[Kah Lok]
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[Kelvin Soo]
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