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| Sunday, December 30, 2007

On the last minute of my birthday, allow me to round up what happened yesterday and the whole of today, everything that made this 19th birthday extra special :) (with many surprises! xD)

On the 29th, went to Kelvin's house. What was purely on my mind was to celebrate Kelvin's birthday because I'm so used to celebrate belated birthdays haha. The main objective was to have lunch together, with Kelvin, Zhen Ting, Cecilia, Clarice and Brandon. There's a LOT of food. Too many pizzas and grilled chicken wings x.x Kelvin refused to disclose the amount he paid for the food =/ So thank you for your treat didi! <3

Anyway it was really a slack day at his house. After the food we really had nothing to do, Clarice and Brandon went off first because they have something else on. Then I was totally falling asleep in Kelvin's room when there's this birthday cake surprise! OH MY. Kelvin just brought in the cake and I WAS SO SHOCKED. I was totally so unexpecting it, and I was speechless for a few seconds HAHA. Let's see ah. It's been countless years since I had a proper whole birthday cake, though I have a sliced birthday cake before with pz and co xD ANYWAY. I was really happy they thought of this surprise and we got really crazy after that HAHAHA. Cam-whoring, but not your usual kind ;) We acted as Superheroes and Hard Gays. buahahaha.

On my birthday itself! I was so happy to get two on-the-dot messages, two of them who especially timed and send the birthday wishes on midnight. It would have been three but Zhen Ting said, "Aiya, watch anime until overshoot." xDDDD Anyway I'm happy enough to receive the wishes, and quite a number of them from unexpected people which made me feel quite guilty about this because I didn't message them on their birthday x_X so yeah. Another surprise hahaha!

On the day itself, I went out with the 05S6D girls! Supposedly the girls. Then I found out Pei Zhi wanted a surprise for me and was asking the guys out the whole of last night, but many couldn't make it, in the end only Jastin came hahahah. Thanks pz for your effort in the surprise though <3 We went to J8 and shopped for my present the whole day (much to Jastin's boredom) and we went arcade to shoot hoops which is really pretty darn addictive like Pringles. Then we continued to shop and they got me a bag yaaay.

Then I went back home really early because I wanted to celebrate my birthday and my mum's birthday with my family too, so I got home around 5.45pm. THEN THE MOST RANDOM THING CAME. At around 6pm, my phone rang and I saw it was Roy. Thinking that it might be the Potluck thing we are having on New Year's Eve, I picked up and then...


Okay honestly I kind of expected him to maybe say 'Happy Birthday', but in the end it was quite deafening xDDDDD Because it was not only his voice. There were FIVE VOICES shouting into Roy's phone HAHAHAH! THEN. Someone, i assume it's Malcolm, started to sing the birthday song. And then the rest of the guys joined in. HAHAHA I LAUGHED UNTIL I CANNOT STAND IT. It was so random! Then Roy wanted me to guess who the rest of the guys are. After quite a lot of difficulty because they basically sound quite the same, I managed to guess them right, namely Roy, Malcolm, Eric, Junwei and Shawn. ANYWAY THIS WAS THE BIGGEST SURPRISE OF THE DAY. Woah. I love you guys man xD NPCC still rocks.

After that my family went for a quiet dinner outside, nothing special, but heartwarming hahaha. I love it when we get together on weekends and eat together because actually, my family talks a lot of rubbish during dinner xD Yeah so this basically rounds up my eventful birthday this year. I had so much fun and surprises this year as compared to the previous years xD But STILL. I dread the birthday next year. the BIG TWENTY. NOOOOOOOOO

(THANK YOU GUYS. For making my 19th birthday extra special. :D)

Created at 11:59 PM

| Sunday, December 23, 2007

Okay so I chanced upon this interesting shop during Friday night.

I was at around Havelock Road, just opposite Furama Riverside Hotel with my dad and my elder brother. My mum was inside the hotel because of this wedding banquet, and we were waiting for it to end to fetch my mum home. So since we were earlier than the end of the banquet and my dad hadn't had any dinner, we managed to find this 24 hours Roti Prata shop nearby. Famished, we just settled for prata for dinner/supper.

We decided to order 3 plain pratas and 2 egg pratas. We were waiting patiently for the pratas when the shop assistant came back to us.

Assistant: Eh, we have no more ko-song. (ko-song = plain prata)

Bro: Huh? You mean no more egg one ah? Then we take 5 ko-song lah.

A: Nonono! No more ko-song!

B: Huh? You mean no more plain ones? Not egg?

A: Yeah yeah! Got egg, no ko-song. Got cheese also!

Amused, we settled for one cheese prata and two egg pratas. After that, we keep discussing about the possibility of how the heck that shop could possibility not make anymore plain pratas but only egg and cheese pratas. We thought that it might be because of the lack of dough, but it's 24 hours leh. Weird right.

Anyway, till now, I still have no idea why ther's no plain pratas there. Hahaha!


Created at 9:24 PM

| Thursday, December 20, 2007

Just returned from the sleepover in Smelly's house!

Surprisingly, despite sleeping at 5am earlier today due to a drama marathon and waking up at 9am, i'm not at all sleepy. It's really fun because her whole family's not at home and we did really crazy things hahaha! We cooked our own dinner and breakfast but in the end when I went back home I had runs >_>;

Never mind.

I wanna go online shopping too! After shopping around Far East Plaza, I realised how overpriced most of the items are because I have seen the prices of the same and exact clothes in the online shops before and they are much cheaper. And we had so much shopping unhappiness while shopping at Far East Plaza... The shopkeepers there are so rude sometimes. Seriously, I know their pay do not warrant them to serve us like kings but is it so hard to have basic courtesy? *rolls eyes*

I'm getting rather lazy updating this blog. Maybe I would suddenly close down this blog one day. Wahahaha. I feel that my ability of expressing myself is deteriorating over the holiday. I'm basically rotting myself away this December holidays. Ho-hum.


Created at 8:59 PM

| Monday, December 03, 2007

Disclaimer: If you are a radical Potterhead, my advice is that you should skip this blog post. Like seriously. If you choose to read it, well, don't kill me later.

I personally think 8 Days has been one of Singapore's best publications because of their sharp tongues and cheeky comments. If you do read 8 Days too, you would love their "Last Page" the most, I'm sure. Well this is taken from 8 Days I think, one or two weeks ago from their "Last Page". I feel it's so hilarious it should be shared. Nahaha.

More Revelations in the World of Harry Potter
So J K Rowling recently revealed that Professor Dumbledore was gay. What other secrets might the characters of Harry Potter be keeping?

[I] Mad Eye Moody's eye is that way because he accidentally saw Professor McGonagall in a thong.

[II] We're not even going into what Hagrid and Buckbeak get up to, there in their little cottage by the woods.

[III] "Just riding each other's Broomsticks." Riiiiiight. Yup. Mm-hmm.

[IV] The Sorting Hat has been accepting 'donations' to sort students into certain houses.

[V] Draco Malfoy makes his house elf go outside to clean windows without any safety equipment.

[VI] Neville Longbottom arrested at Changi Airport for possession of illegal narcotics. Prosecutors don't buy his excuse that they're "just research material for his lessons in Herbology at Hogwarts".

[VII] Ron earns extra cash by selling Hermione's used panties on eBay to Japanese fans.

[VIII] Ollivander's Wand Shop forced to recall all "Made in China" wands because their paint contains 'date rape' chemical.

[IX] Neville Longbottom's bottom is actually short.

[X] Harry Potter. Invisibility Cloak. Girls' changing room at Hogwarts. You mean you wouldn't? Sure you wouldn't.

My favourites are the ones bolded XDDDD Especially the last one LOL.

Anyway I changed a little for some as there are spoilers for the last book. Minor spoilers only but I filtered them out but it's only a bit haha



Created at 8:24 PM


SF, 19 *sigh*
thinks search engines are more of a nuisance than help
is a fangirl of FFVII, FFXIII Versus
can be really crazy beyond hope if she feels restless
thinks she has no musical talent, but plays the piano anyway.


to slack around. I love rotting at home than going out the whole day shopping. and i'm serious.
Link Out

[Kah Lok]
[Kelvin Soh]
[Kelvin Soo]
[Kim Soon]
[Ming Hao]
[Pei Zhi]
[Qin Qi]
[Zhen Ting]


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