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| Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Doomsday Clock
11:55pm and counting...

Catastrophe is estimated to be happening in 5 minutes towards midnight.

'Midnight' represents the end of the world, the end of humanity in Doomsday Clock (and it really exists, from 1947. Google 'Doomsday Clock' if you are still skeptical about it). This clock is regularly adjusted following the events which threaten the existence of humanity. The clock does go backwards, but it's been ticking forward these few years. Once it reaches midnight, catastrophe befalls on us.

The clock just ticked forward 2 minutes on January this year, and has been ticking forward, not backwards, for 5 years.

Are you intimidated?

p.s for LP listeners, this is where they got their "Minutes to Midnight" idea from.

Created at 1:30 PM

| Friday, November 16, 2007

Teeny-weeny update about Linkin Park Live on 13th Nov in Indoor Stadium.

One classic moment, when Chester went down to the crowd (I forgot which song they were performing at that time) and the standing crowd just went crazy. CRAAAAZZY. That's when I saw his left wrist being bandaged and we realised that his wrist was broken! And apparently, someone got too excited and broke Chester's jewellery or something, and grabbed his wrist as well. Anyway after he went back to the stage:

Chester: You guys are ruthless dude, RUTHLESS! Grabbing my broken arm like that. You guys should be ashamed of yourselves. (pauses, the whole stadium laughed) Next time I go down there, I'm gonna punch somebody.
Mike: If I go down there, will you punch me too?
Chester: Yes.

I just love this part xD

Anyway, I just realised he broke his wrist a month ago at NZ concert. He jumped 4 feet down to the ground from stage during the performance of Papercut, lost his balance and fell on his wrist. And the show went on despite him breaking it! As Mike Shinoda phrased it pretty funnily:

Mike: We were contemplating whether to let the show go on, we did... we were only at our 3rd or 4th song. But we realised since after an hour, Chester's wrist would be as broken as ever so why not?"

Okay sorry I was spending the whole morning surfing Linkin Park's website. HAHAHA. Chester and Mike are REALLY funny. Videos are too large to be uploaded here, and as photos i'm a little lazy uploading them here too ahaha

Darn right I must now get going and study.


Created at 2:32 PM

| Wednesday, November 14, 2007


It was a BLAST! It really allowed me to let my hair down and forget all my stress in school. This is my first ever time stepping into Singapore Indoor Stadium and attending a 'Live' rock concert.

OH MAN. I'm still reliving yesterday night <3 Though it was really tiring towards the end, after all the jumping about...

I shall upload the videos and photos later xD Right now, I'm experimenting with my PSP as my mp3 player.



Created at 10:32 PM

| Thursday, November 08, 2007

Today's a day I have been looking forward to! After days and days of torture and turmoil (LOL) because of the rush to meet the project deadlines, Deepavali's kinda a relief and break for me. School's never been so busy before @_@ (Thus the lack of update of my blog lol)

Anyway! Today I went out. Muahahaha. Met up with a group of 4e2 peeps! Time really flies and some people really changed (physically) a lot! However I realised their behaviour and character are still more or less the same, which is kinda a relief xD I would hate it when the fun people get reserved or something.

Okay anyway we ate at Wakari in the Central (or w/e it is named, I didn't really take note) at Clarke Quay and I must say they serve really gooooood stuffs. When I get my next pay or something, I must definitely visit there again. There's so many delicious food T_T Definitely after my exams, I'm visiting that place AGAIN.

After that we went to Orchard and walked around. As usual, if you don't have any specific business there, it's kinda a boring place. We went to Takashimaya to loiter around and least expectedly, I saw something almost incredible.

There's this LOOONG queue outside the Louis Vuitton shop! Before you jump into any conclusion, no I'm NEVER a fan of LV okay. I wouldn't care if their $2000 bags are going for a 50% price reduction (but I might if it's 90% HAHAHA) which I think the shop was, or having some other promotion. But anyhow, it's kinda rare to see a long queue outside the boutique, and one of the reasons why there's a queue might be because the shop only allows a number of people to be in their boutique for the convenience and "greater experience of shopping" for their upper-class shoppers *rolls eyes*

And we continued to proceed on to the upper floors to go to Kinokuniya where we can afford the stuffs there unlike the boutique we just passed by. THEN we saw something incredible man! Here comes the main part. At the end of the LV queue, we saw this interesting person at the end of the line.

He is a monk! A MONK.

WTH. I was feeling a mixture of amusement and annoyment when I saw that. What was a monk doing in THAT queue?! Hello ah, it was not a queue for free food. It's a LV queue. Isn't there supposed to be a rule for monks that they should not be lavishing themselves with luxury stuffs and live a life of simplicity? Or have they risen in their status so much till the perception of monks I had till today became obsolete? Certainly I DON'T remember any monks buying Gucci and Chanel stuffs before today.

Anyway maybe because of the fact that our group stared at the monk quite intensively (of course with other passers-by) he started to feel really uneasy and began to walk away. But after walking a little away he "U-turned" back to the place he stood and joined the queue again. He did this quite a number of times during the few minutes I stared at him.

Okay you might find me blowing this thing too much a big proportion but this is really pretty ridiculous, maybe to an extent of absurdity (I have no idea whether this word exists but you get what I mean). This reminds me of that report of Ren Ci Hospital "scandal" that was not yet confirmed and being investigated. Just when the NKF saga wasn't really forgotten yet, Ren Ci Hospital's finance HAS to have problems. I certainly hope they wouldn't betray the public's trust in their integrity, just like what NKF did. I wouldn't dare to imagine how the public would react when the investigation really found evidence of any internal corporation corruption.

But anyhow, this outing (plus the interesting scene we witnessed) uplifted my spirits somehow. It is always great to meet up with old friends again : D Oh man, I can't wait for this semester to be over.


Created at 9:43 PM


SF, 19 *sigh*
thinks search engines are more of a nuisance than help
is a fangirl of FFVII, FFXIII Versus
can be really crazy beyond hope if she feels restless
thinks she has no musical talent, but plays the piano anyway.


to slack around. I love rotting at home than going out the whole day shopping. and i'm serious.
Link Out

[Kah Lok]
[Kelvin Soh]
[Kelvin Soo]
[Kim Soon]
[Ming Hao]
[Pei Zhi]
[Qin Qi]
[Zhen Ting]


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