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| Friday, September 28, 2007


(Due to the large amount of pictures being taken, I just uploaded selective ones on the blog. Why on blog? Because I found some of the pictures are really interesting. Rofl. The rest I would upload on Shutterfly one fine day, including the airport ones : D)

Anyway! The sparklers and candles are really pretty at night! Too bad my camera had to run flat on battery when we were just enjoying ourselves. I could have taken some pictures with the sparklers getting stuck on the tree xD)

Our pretty mini campfire! Made by Zhen Ting.

Slurping on Bubble Tea. I like my hair from this angle. Damn.

Zhen Ting getting, er, amused at the lantern?

SMELLY. 'nuff said.

My favourite photo! I think it's captured really nicely.

Purty Sparklers! 1st one is blinding though o_O

ZT: Muahahahahahha~ (XD)

xin: Woah~! I scared ah~~~

Zt zilian-ing. I love this photo too =D

I have to tahan the smell. Really. The smile is, uh, fake. hoho.

Finally, a decent(posed) photo! Though Zt's not in there.

The rest, I will upload on Shutterfly. Blogger is really slow in uploading =/


Created at 10:17 PM

| Thursday, September 27, 2007

Okay so now I'm blogging because I'm working on this theatre critique which is sadly, worth 15% of my module assessment and I can't afford to just do a trashy job (which I think I'm doing one anyway despite being diligent enough to read up on examples of theatre critiques). Anyone care to enlighten me what the heck does mise-en-scène means? Why am I learning some weird French terms. Sigh.

Anyway, I love doing nonsensical stuffs. I love mid term breaks, because it is a perfect time to do these stuffs. Too bad it only lasts for one week.

For the past few days, I went to KTV with zt, sooky and pekky and we evolved into one crazy bunch of people who seemed to have just escaped from the asylum. Honestly. Who would start singing "She Bangs" in the KTV? We did. Despite knowing that the walls aren't sound-proof and the staff were obviously laughing their arses off from our horrendous screamings and shoutings. But who cares, we love being nonsensical people =D

Oh, and throwing sparklers up onto trees during mid autumn festival until this policewoman came up on us and warned us not to do it. Rofl. For a moment I thought she's gonna write our names down. Damn. xD

Oh don't worry, I shall upload the photos soon. My camera's still flat on battery and I don't really feel like charging it. The charger is heavy.

Here I end my nonsensical post. Back to my critique.


Created at 2:33 PM

| Saturday, September 22, 2007


I wonder who goes by this IP address eh?

Oh no I'm not threatening, sorry but you got me in my bad mood today. Even bitchy *raises eyebrows* But I do value privacy for not entering the whole IP add though. So hopefully you, "Singnet User", are too a rational person and if you have nothing nice to write, don't spam my comment box =D

EDIT: WOAH. I just realised the power of Google and other search engines. I just entered my name, and some of my identification keywords I disclosed in Friendster, my blog is easily found. Reminds me. I shouldn't put too much private information in my blog. Woah. I scared ah. XD


Created at 10:03 PM

| Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Before I came here to blog, trust me, I was diligently reading my readings for the past 4 hours, having only read 15 pages because of the stupid computer lag -___- I needed to do research on my readings and the lag ruined my mood and concentration on the damned and lengthy articles. But oh well, as my mood was sorta spoiled and it's already 2.20am, I wanted to just shut down this laptop and go to bed. But I decided to randomly surf around the net for a while and got my leg into Friendster.

So I decided to log in after not having done so for at least 2 weeks, and surprisingly I saw there are two new private messages (which I keep them spam-free so it's rare for me to receive any junks). So I decided to open them and surprise surprise, both of them are from people I never ever knew or saw in my entire whole life.

One was dated back 5th Sept. This is how it went:

"Hey arloz..care to chat ma?? Zhan hong here. A dog and sport lover...23m I started my uni recently =(..so stress..U watch any nice movie? Ratootoe and Jay movie..=D"

Not being delibrately mean or affected by my bad mood currently, but my first impression of this message was an immediate dislike. Words are phrased in a funny way and there's beng language, which is unforgivable. Singlish is acceptable lah, of course.

However being one who's too nosey for own's good most of the time, I decided to check out who this weird guy was. Okay his profile was... "decorated". I didn't bother looking through the photos to find out who he is because of plain laziness. So he's 23, and from SIM. Probably too bored for his own good. Checked out his comments corner and most of his friends use beng and lian language. Ah... from that moment, I can roughly gauge what kind of person he is.

So I went back to check another one which is dated 15th Sept.

"hi, i am hoping to do some networking with people my age.i really hope to get to know you as real friends along the way since we are all living in singapore. I'm from PJC btw. my email is ngshiai@gmail.com
i hope that you can accept my request and send me a email and we can regularly communicate via email and know each other well along the way :)"

This, I admit, I had a total different view of this person than the earlier one. Sounds sincere and most importantly he writes properly. Anyway. Back to the point, he sounds almost lonely. And when I went to check his profile he locked his profile so it's only open to his friends' viewing, and his display picture is an anime character.

Actually I'm kinda scared of this kind of person. Normally, they turn out to be quite perverse in mind. BUT THAT'S ONLY STEREOTYPE LAH.

Haha anyway in the end I didn't bother to reply any of them. For one thing, the messages are considered old. Another thing is I wouldn't want troublesome stuffs to come my way when I reply, and he replies, and things sink in too deep and he keeps flooding my inbox (one possible bad scenario). Oh no no, I want my inbox spam-free. Even though I don't use my friendster much. Anyway this happened before, around a year ago. Funny how people just randomly surf friendster and message a random person you have never ever seen before.

I refuse to believe in internet's creditability. There's simply too many hidden threats around.


Created at 2:15 AM

| Wednesday, September 12, 2007

A random thought when I was doing my readings. About Privacy laws. It feels as though I'm in NUS Law School now, there's so many privacy laws I read and I don't even know the difference for most of them. Now I kinda feel the pain of a Law student. Though they must have suffered x1000 more than me, since I only had to read this LENGTHY law artcle (hopefully only once) and they had to do tremendous amount of them.

Okay back to the topic.

I was wondering whether it's possible for everyone to recycle properly. For instance, newspaper. Though we have proper bins for recycling but still, we see people dumping them everywhere. In the dustbin. Into the incinerator. Gone forever, and contributes to the ever increasing amount of greenhouse gases.

Anyway I was thinking of this idea, like a newspaper collection in every town. Since everyone is so profit-motivated and think that Gurung-Gunis or whatever they are spelled are getting more stingy each day, maybe the people at the collection can pay back 50% of the amount of how much we paid for the newspaper.

I tell you, if this becomes reality, everyone will sure chiong to the station everytime their storeroom is filled with newspapers. Never mind the weight. OH, I forgot. The heavier the better.

Because we don't know whether the people who collect for old newspapers to recycle really recycles it. So isn't it great to have a central newspaper collection station?

And just when you are thinking, "Yeah right. 50%?! It will never happen lah." You are right. You are truly a modernised person.

Since the Industrial Revolution in 1960s we willingly gave up on the environment for money and profit purposes, since when did we give up our money willingly for environmental purposes?

When will we ever be doing the latter?

Sadly, it's still highly doubtful right till this day.

Don't mention bullshit like Kyoto Protocol. I bet it's desperate measure. If possible, this would not have existed at all. When we do something environmental, there must be always economic reasons behind it rather then genuine enviornmental reasons.

(And as i said it's truly a random thought. Don't ask why I'm such an environmentalist today. Though I remember once, I threw a tin can into a nearby dustbin when the recycling bin was only 100m away, my friend exclaimed, "THE TREES ARE CRYING!" Though I laughed at her silliness because trees don't produce tin, a gush of guilt came over me, seriously. Or rather, "THE QUARRY IS CRYING!" XD)


Created at 8:46 PM

| Monday, September 10, 2007

This is the first ever time I feel so much anger it overwhelmed me, my lips and hands trembling, that I cried non-stop.

This is the first time I got my heart broken so badly by a guy.

No, I'm not attached. It's my dearest brother. Insensitive to the core...

What kind of guy is he to make a girl cry, even if he doesn't treat me like one, I'm his sister after all isn't it?

I don't know who to talk to, my dad and mum will only shout at me to shut up and not argue with him.

My only consolation is to vent my frustration on this blog.


Created at 9:11 PM

| Friday, September 07, 2007


Thanks to Xinyu and William, I have the chance to watch Linkin Park LIVE! @ 13th Nov : DDD

My first ever concert (and my first ever splurge on a concert ticket XD), I'm so darn excited. I'm sure they wouldn't disappoint, after watching so many of their live performances on Youtube. Now I finally get to experience it not through the frames of TV and computer : D

The concert ticket is costly, but oh well, it's good to treat oneself occasionally =P


Created at 11:38 AM

| Wednesday, September 05, 2007

ODEX, oh Odex.

Do you ever know that "Justice" and "Injustice" are just a line of difference?

Seriously, they need a new PR department. Oh, that is, if they ever had one.

(Odex sort-of wanted to reduce their PR damage by making an announcement on 3rd September that they would not send out any more letters to the IPs that stopped downloading immediately after they started sending out letters. Honestly, I seriously doubt they can improve their reputation with this; it just shows how feeble their attempt is when they "conceded defeat" partly when making that announcement, Netizens don't even appreciate it. Not that I'm not happy about this, but isn't this a first sign of being driven into a corner?)


Created at 5:47 PM

| Saturday, September 01, 2007


Just when I decided to get unlazy and design a new header picture on my blogskin, my computer crashed and my photoshop is GONE despite having a backup drive.

Like wtf man. HAHA

Anyway I finally realised why teachers love cards more than anything else from their students. I was tutoring this korean kid for Chinese yesterday, been tutoring him for three weeks already. Then he gave me this postcard and he, well, kinda struggled through writing the postcard for me XD He wrote in English and Chinese, though they are all broken (but still can understand to a certain extent) but I'm really happy inside. Woah! My 1st teachers' day present. Haha!

I went back to NYJC and made a detour to ZHSS after that yesterday because I remembered I had a bet with Mr Ang I would definitely go back this year the previous year XD I went back to zhss and got several shocks o_O particularly our dear principal, she changed A LOT. Her new hairstyle made her so much younger. Oh man. She talked to me, and got surprised that a university student would still come back. Okay apparently, I'm the only one from 4E2'04 who went back. XD I don't see any others from our batch going back too except William. No wonder BDWong was exclaiming when he saw me back saying finally, someone's grateful enough to go back LOL.

Actually it's really enjoyable talking to Mr Ang and Mr Wong. They have become more like friends than teachers... Kinda missed the ZHSS days. When I went back to NYJC, there's still this teacher-student gap though they are really really nice, the only teacher I was really 'friend' with has already left the school.

Hopefully, next year if there's any time, more people will go back zhss!


Created at 9:35 PM


SF, 19 *sigh*
thinks search engines are more of a nuisance than help
is a fangirl of FFVII, FFXIII Versus
can be really crazy beyond hope if she feels restless
thinks she has no musical talent, but plays the piano anyway.


to slack around. I love rotting at home than going out the whole day shopping. and i'm serious.
Link Out

[Kah Lok]
[Kelvin Soh]
[Kelvin Soo]
[Kim Soon]
[Ming Hao]
[Pei Zhi]
[Qin Qi]
[Zhen Ting]


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