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| Tuesday, August 21, 2007

ARGH I'm feeling like shit now.

The life I'm living now, the rate of new worries weighing down on me is faster than one who can say "Eureka!"

(Okay a bit of exaggerating, but I'm trying to vent my frustrations la)

Tutorial balloting is seriously the worse shit ever. Can't I ever spend my life in NUS in peace?

And I thought one's dumb inventing the lecture bidding. Balloting's dumber.

Now I dread going to NUS to study. No motivation, nothing to look forward to. Too scattered, too far away. When one loses a sense of belonging in a place, the feeling is kinda dreadful.

Hopefully, things can improve as time passes by. (And I notice how often I'm ranting on university life)

Oh, the life in NUS isn't as colourful and vibrant as what many seniors in university described. Really, it depends on the individual. At least to me, my university life is still colourless.

Though, I'm still grateful being in NUS FASS. Guess I just have to press on and remain optimistic?


Created at 2:16 PM

| Thursday, August 16, 2007

First week of school just went by (I have no classes on Tues and Fri bwahahaha) and it was pretty much uneventful. We haven't start any modules officially, except for econs which had finished one whole set of notes, though it's just revision of 'A' Levels stuff.

The idea of NUS being my school hasn't really sunk in, it feels so hard to digest in me. I don't really feel belonged there... Maybe it's because the school is so big and my faculty itself is one of the biggest there too. And maybe the tutorials haven't started, just the lectures, that makes myself feel like I'm just entering a lecture theatre and nothing special.

By the way, Theatre Studies is HARD. It's no way a soft option. I have to write a critique of a play from 800 to 1000 words already, though only due in mid October. We are "encouraged" (means a gentler way of "forcing") to attend as many plays as possible. But plays are so expensive! haahha. This module sounds fun so far, though the terminologies seem to be kinda hard. Oh, we will be taught how to pronounce our english words properly too >____> (The lecturer is kinda gay though >_>)

I HATE NOW. IT'S SO STRESSFUL. I look into my letterbox everyday, thanks to some"thing". I'm not even sure whether typing stuff here is safe anymore.


Created at 7:51 PM

| Monday, August 13, 2007

A little something for our dear Avril! <3

By the time you ever read this, you must be in your US hostel already. Pictures speak more than a thousand words; this photoshopped photo is no exception =) Beats typing out a whole chuck of blog entry XD (sorry for the cut-offs near the corner, it was a pretty fast job xP)

Study hard, but play hard too! Treasure this precious chance and enjoy yourself there babe : D take lotsa pictures, and update us often!


Created at 6:43 PM

| Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Urgh... So sick of travelling to and fro NUS from last thurs to this week. Everyday.

For orientation talks and camp! Though it is supposed to be a day camp, our camp always mysteriously ends at 8 or 9 everyday... >___> Monday was the latest. It ended at 1am! And i have to stay over in school because I have no more buses to catch... people who wanted to go home have to go off early. But the fright night was scheduled near midnight, and all i was waiting for was that. So I waited till there's no more buses left and I have to stay over T____T

Anyway, I was supposed to go Sentosa for beach games as part of their orientation too, but got lazy ^___^ Another reason is well, I'm staying at home to keep watch on my modules bidding. It sucks that in NUS, ALL your modules have to be bidded if you want to read that particular one. Unless you are from Medicine, Music, Law, Dentistry... where the school have basically assigned all the modules for you because 1) it's a small faculty, 2) there's too many essential modules to take for them that they cannot miss them. Unlike us, who have to fight and bid for our modules to secure a place in our intended major T___T

Being in university is a brand new experience for me. Gone were the days being spoon-fed; now comes the days where you have to do everything your own. Bidding modules are only part of the independent things you have to do to survive university. You have to build up the timetable your own from scratch; Fight for a place in your intended major because we aren't allocated one. And avoiding lectures that end at 9pm! Gosh. And balloting for tutorials. If lucky, I get a good timeslot. Worse, I get a night timeslot. The worst? It clashes with my lectures or other tutorials. And when this happens, I have to drop the module.

It's all part of a luck game. Deal or No Deal XD

Oooh. My timetable sucks. If I successfully bid for all the modules I want, I would only have classes on Mon, Wed and Thurs. No no it's excluding tutorials, so I'm reserving tues and fri for tutorials. It sucks on Monday because I have 6 hours of lectures straight T_T As for core modules, I'm taking

2)Communications and New Media
3)Theatre Studies
4)South East Asian Studies

The last two were taken to satisfy my university graduation requirements >_> I would never ever touch them if I can. Sucks.

I'm still comtemplating on my major being Economics or Media. Hopefully by the next semester I can decide on it =/


Created at 12:59 PM


SF, 19 *sigh*
thinks search engines are more of a nuisance than help
is a fangirl of FFVII, FFXIII Versus
can be really crazy beyond hope if she feels restless
thinks she has no musical talent, but plays the piano anyway.


to slack around. I love rotting at home than going out the whole day shopping. and i'm serious.
Link Out

[Kah Lok]
[Kelvin Soh]
[Kelvin Soo]
[Kim Soon]
[Ming Hao]
[Pei Zhi]
[Qin Qi]
[Zhen Ting]


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