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| Saturday, July 28, 2007

In the end, I can't resist the temptation for the first time in years and went to buy the latest book of HP XD Costs me $48, but alas, I'm not that heartbroken. Surprisingly. N.B: Don't worry I wouldn't give any spoilers in this entry or any hints of it, I'm not that 'despicable' >_>

Finished the book last night! I must admit that this book didn't disappoint, especially towards the end. The action, the tension, the twists... Some I expected it, but 'woah' on how Rowling twisted the expected twists (to me)... Though, I feel the epilogue is too abrupt and rushed, I'm not that impressed on how it ends.

I actually read the end of the book for three times already, to understand everything. It's kinda impressive how small bits of the story in earlier books that appear to be insignificant could connect into the final book =P

I can't wait for it to be made into a movie already! Given that it's a more action-packed book this time round, I hope they can do no wrong since Hollywood always pride themselves of their fantastic visual effects. Really, I'm already picturing how the book is gonna be like in a movie. @___@

And admittedly, after reading the book, I feel a sense of sadness that the magic is finally over...

(P.S. Rowling said it's not the end of her Potter books. No, no Book 8, but she's going to come out with an encyclopedia of Harry)

Created at 7:16 PM

| Sunday, July 22, 2007

I have this utter urge to buy HP7 book right now.

I'm not so much a Potterhead, but I would love to have my story unspoiled 100%, thank you very much. Right here in this household, there's two people who would be more than willing to spoil the story for me. Because their friends all read the book within a day and now I knew the ending is generally happy/sad, no thanks to the two of them. And f**k, one of them has to say who died. Though he was just saying it indirectly, my brain isn't that stupid can, it processes and analyses your words involuntarily.

Sometimes I'm just... disgusted at my brothers' childishness. DESPITE OF WARNING THEM NOT TO SPOIL THE STORY FOR ME FOR UMPTEENTH TIMES, they just did it. What seriously sickens me is their smirk and self-satisfaction after seeing my f**ked-up face.

And to everyone who's reading this blog entry, AND had read the freaking story, please have the basic courtesy not to spoil anyone at all. Unless you want to taste the wrath.


Created at 9:05 PM

| Friday, July 20, 2007

Was looking through Friendster just now, and strayed off to look at those old friends profile. 'old' as in those who I haven't stayed in contact in a while, some zhss friends, cjc, and some ny peeps too.

Read through their comments and some are really depressing. It's all university stuffs hanging around, a number of people can't make it. Just saw the news the other day, even with the increased intake this year, only 50% of the applicants made the cut.

Suddenly I felt freaking lucky to be able to enter NUS. And even luckier that my appeal got approved. Imagine those who appealed and still ended up disappointed, and with no place to go, at a loss. If it were me, I bet I will be depressed for a while, especially because people around me are going into university. Well, at least I had a place to fall to in NTU, but well, it isn't what I wanted too...

Goodness. Now I feel blessed that I have at least a C in physics x___X


Created at 8:18 PM

| Friday, July 13, 2007



I need to change my blogskin soon. Sigh.

I'm sure the template's gonna remain the same, because I'm just too plain lazy to get/make a new one. Most probably I would just change the pictue on top. And maybe the whole color scheme. And TA-DA! you get a new blogskin XD

Thing is, I'm too much lazy to even start designing stuffs in Photoshop these days...



Created at 3:28 PM

| Monday, July 09, 2007

It's weird, you know, the irony of things.

Now that I'm off work AND with no school, I have more than ample time to slack myself off and enjoy. With so much free time, yet the last time I blogged was when I'm in that office... >.>

This much of an ample time indeed spurred me into doing a lot of things, but i just refused to drag my lazy bones off the comforts of home to do something useful. 'Useful' as in, going to some language courses, and maybe driving lessons. Now I'm beginning to even feel lazy for shopping, unless someone asked me out, or I have to.

But one thing I'm kinda proud of myself. I have been exercising more than ever =D

In one week, I would at the very least swim 3km. That's equivalent to 60 laps of the swimming pool, and i'm still aiming it higher. Yeah yeah haolian right. HAHAHAHA. Please let me haolian because I'm pretty surprised at myself being so persistent and disciplined these few days to workout. The days I'm not swimming, I would try to jog around the park. TRY. Jogging is much more torturous for me as compared to swimming for some reason.

(And you can't swim everyday because the water spoils your hair. HAHAHA.)

Ooh yes, I'm very proud of Zt and Smelly! Smelly being the one who swam as much as I do or even more, and Zt has improved MUCHO in swimming ever since our first swimming 'session'. From someone who struggles to swim 1/4 of a lap to someone who can swim the full lap without stopping. And plus the fact that she cared to come down all the way from Woodlands to Amk to join us. If it's me, I would have given up because of the distance x___X

I must say, without these two, I wouldn't be able to continue my swimming routine <333

OH YEAH. I get to see Zt in a swimsuit at least twice each week. Take that Avril and whoever's Zt's lover is. Heh.


Created at 10:12 PM


SF, 19 *sigh*
thinks search engines are more of a nuisance than help
is a fangirl of FFVII, FFXIII Versus
can be really crazy beyond hope if she feels restless
thinks she has no musical talent, but plays the piano anyway.


to slack around. I love rotting at home than going out the whole day shopping. and i'm serious.
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