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| Wednesday, March 28, 2007

: D

Layer 1: On The Outside
Name: Shuf
Birth Date: 30/12/1988
Current Status: Single for life yo
Eye Colour: I noticed my eyes are actually in a shade of dark brown not black, as what i have always thought.
Hair Colour: Black. VERY black.
Righty or Lefty: Righty

Layer 2: On The Inside
My Heritage: Chinese
My Fears: Having to adapt to changes, death of loved ones, beetles especially those with hard shells, loneliness
My Perfect Pizza: Spicy and hot. with lots of pickles. bonus: a lil melting cheese in the crust. not too cheesy though. oohlala.

Layer 3: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
My Thoughts First Waking Up: ARGH!!! *starts thinking of excuses of skipping work for that day but eventually will go back and snooze for another 10 minutes*
My Bedtime: NOOOOOOOOOOOO the next moment i open my eyes i have t wake up and go work T.T
My Most Missed Memory: School life. Especially secondary school.

Layer 4: My Pick
Pepsi or Coke: i'm abstraining from both.
McDonald's or Burger King: Abstraining from both too -____- but if it must be one, McDonald's i guess
Single or Group Dates: Group. i need conversations.
Adidas or Nike: Adidas.
Tea or Nestea: Tea. never liked nestea =/
Chocolate or Vanilla: CHOCOLATE <3 especially dark chocolates. no way to white ones though.
Cappuccino or Coffee: Coffee. i can't stand cappuccino.

Layer 5: Do you...
Smoke: never did. and never will.
Curse: of course >.>
Take a Shower: 2 times daily. that's why i don't smell like Smelly ^^
Have a Crush: NO. it's true! and it's kinda sad. i questioned my own sexuality preferrence before. ROFL. but i'm definitely not interested in girls sexually xD
Think You've Been In Love: what do you think if i have never had a crush before?
Go to School: yes, and going to one (hopefully xD)
Want to Get Married: depends. only if i can find someone who loves me and i will have a sense of security with him. i must not abhor him. xDDDD passion is bonus. i don't mind going single all my life, if i really can't find the one. i can live freely as a single anyway.
Believe in Yourself: i do. really.
Think You're a Health Freak: definitely not. or else i won't be eating this pack of chocolate bananas now xDDD
The Verdict is: huh? erm, i have flabby arms? HAHAHA.

Layer 6: In The Past
Drank Alcohol: yeah. it's okay la, i don't get why people go crazy over them at pubs.
Gone to the Mall: >.> as a girl, what do you think?
Been on Stage: i did. the stupid lang song bi sai. HAHAHA. Sec 1 and 2. i forgot how it goes already. and oh yeah. primary school i was in chinese dance HAHA. performed on stage quite a many times.
Eaten Sushi: whenever i can and i feel like.
Dyed Your Hair: heh heh heh. only selective people knows. ;)

Layer 7: Have You Ever...
Played A Stripping Game: ROFLMAO. i'm too shy to show my fats.
Changed Who You Were To Fit In: i changed. but not to fit in. i'm influenced.

Layer 8: Age You're Hoping...
To Be Married: not too young. maybe late 20s or early 30s.

Layer 9: In A Guy
Best Eye Colour: naturally born with it. i hate people wearing tinted lenses with colours that just don't match
Best Hair Colour: as above.

Layer 10: What Were You Doing...
A minute ago: At work.
An Hour Ago: Also at work.
4.5 Hours Ago: STILL at work. -_________-
1 Month Ago: i think i had a ear inflammation. hahahah. and. still at work.
1 Year Ago: celebrating the end of my block test? hahaha. and oh, worrying about my physics and maths.

Layer 11: Finish The Sentences...
I love: weekends. 'nuff said.
I feel: i need more life than sitting in the office and do reports. like, going bungee jump right now. WHEEEEEE
I hate: my excess fats. and my failing eyesight.
I hide: what? i don't hide xD
I miss: my bed right now. =( and not knowing why, my mum and dad now. weird.
I need: money.

Layer 12: Tag 5 People
Can i skip this? do the quiz if you want lah. it's freakin' troublesome. ahahahh

yay. 45 minutes of work left.


Created at 5:47 PM

| Sunday, March 25, 2007

Work teaches us to appreciate Saturdays and Sundays more.

It's kinda weird. When we were still schooling, though we are always complaining about schoolwork, teachers and the busy schedules, we never really dread going to school. Because we can meet up with friends and gossip everywhere we go. Something I had taken for granted for the past schooling years.

This is why I can't wait to start university in August, though most probably, no one I know in particular would be entering what I'm going to go ahahaha

And it's especially great when I get to meet up with Zt, Kelvin, Clarice and Zhi Hao yesterday to well, just plainly catch up with each other's life. It's been... MONTHS or maybe a year ever since I last seen Clarice xD We went to eat lunch at Sakae, and talked a lot of crap... though mostly I was crapping with my flabby friend (ZHENTING DON'T KILL ME AHAHAHHA) because it's so inevitable we HAVE to tease each other about our arms everytime we see each other, and ooh, I realised I really missed Kelvin's 'secret sharing' session (which we really did when we were going home xDDDDD) and Zhi Hao's full of crap as usual. Too bad Brandon couldn't make it. Or else we would have 'hummed' him about Fatal Frame hahaha

And yes... it really feels nostalgic that after Kelvin goes to NS in another two weeks' time, and us girls going university, pursuing our own courses, we might never meet up like this again. Okay maybe Zt and I would still meet up each other and crap around again with our fats which is a never changing fact T_T. I'm sure Smelly will continue to haunt me with her smell occasionally, and xinxin blinding me with her stars (okay lame). And Avril! Who needs to meet us up even more now because you are going USA. And the girls of 05s6d, especially Rachel who always cling on people's arms and will whine forever about how bad her day was like a koala bear...

Hopefully, we will always be in contact, even if we became adults, have our own families (if someone wants me HAHAHA) and grow old... The thought is kinda impossible. But just. Hope.

The main thing is, it was such a great day on Saturday. 'Fun' doesn't have to be a whole night's out at the pub, dancing crazily away and sipping martinis, but it could be such simple joy of catching up with one another and sitting around, and talk nonsense.

I feel though Saturday was gone fast, it was just great.

P.S HAPPY 19TH BIRTHDAY GENEPIG! If you ever read my blog hahahaha)

Created at 9:41 PM

| Thursday, March 22, 2007

i saw something interesting hahaha

quite funny la, but we need an equation for guys too.

Created at 3:25 PM

| Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Do I look like one who's over 21 years old?

Today when I'm taking a sneaky break from work around 5.20pm walking around Raffles Place Park, there's this guy from prudential approaching me saying he has good deals to offer to me, I wasn't really listening but i think it's about increasing interest rates in my bank.

Maybe I would be interested in these stuffs when I get older. But right now, I don't feel like bothering myself with these complicated stuffs.

Anyway, he said that I should leave my contacts with him so that "after 3 days, I will call you to discuss about this scheme, and maybe if you still remembered me and you are interested, we can meet up again in my office to discuss about more details".

Of course, i left my contacts. but a fake one.

I gave my name as Janice, my number as 91784979. don't ask me where i got the name from. IT'S TOTALLY RANDOM

In order to make it look natural that I'm indeed "janice", I tried very hard not to laugh when he called me "Miss Janice". Trust me, it isn't easy trying to fake a name and a contact number on the spot because it really requires THINKING to lie about yourself. I pity that guy for wasting his time trying to reach me 3 days later, but well, he wasted my time today for insisting in me listening to him.

I just hope that the number I gave isn't in use. If it's in use... I'm sorry to the owner then =(

woot, this is rare for me to blog twice a day.


Created at 9:05 AM


1)It is physically impossible for you to lick your elbow.

2)No piece of paper can be folded in half more than seven times.

3)Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise.

4)Apples, not caffeine, are more efficient at waking you up in the morning.

5)The king of hearts is the only king without a moustache.

6)The liquid inside young coconuts can be used as a substitute for blood plasma.

7)Pearls melt in vinegar.

8)A duck's quack doesn't echo and no one knows why.

9)Turtles can breathe through their butts.

10)Elephants are the only animals that can't jump.

11)Women blink nearly twice as much as men.

12)A snail can sleep for three years.

13)Most dust particles in your house are dead skin.

14)Mosquito repellents don't repel. They hide you. The spray blocks the mosquito's sensors so they don't know you're there.

15)Almost everyone who reads this blog entry will try to lick his or her elbow.


With my supervisor being on urgent leave for consecutive 2 days and on last friday, it leaves me plenty of time to surf the net and find interesting stuffs. But still. This boring life sucks, going to work without doing any work. How ironic.


Created at 1:46 AM

| Thursday, March 08, 2007

Let me show you some amazing pictures. When I look at these... I felt motivated, especially after receiving the not-up-to-expectations results. Heh.

Look on.

Goodness! i think this is the amazing artist that does all the amazing stuffs on such ordinary pavements. The coke looks sooooo real xD

Everyone thinks it's a cave-in. Don't you think so too? it's omg-ly realistic and awesome.

I'm sure you wouldn't want this to happen in front of your house one day...

Notice how everyone avoided the drawing. kekekeke

Wouldn't you just want to push the people you dislike into this realistic pithole? hahaha

This is my favorite. You can actually see the tiles... but yet you will still feel it's actually water flowing down.

See how amazing these pictures are?

Don't get it? Put your mouse over each pictures where I wrote commentaries on each of them. You will eventually get it.

Still don't get it? (you are really slow hahaha) These pictures with those weird cave-ins and a large coke bottle and these underground pipes... they are all drawn by hand by this guy I forgot what's his name, but he merely used ordinary crayons to create such extraordinary art.

Who says getting perfect A level results is amazing? THIS is more amazing.

Now you know why i'm so motivated. Because it sure took me a while to realise, my brains are born and built differently from the more academically-inclined people. Perhaps i'm not born to score triple As at all. Perhaps I'm born to excel in other areas(hopefully). So I shouldn't be sad and to stop all my mourning, and tears should stop the day when i received my results. Right now the thing is, I will secure a place in the university, and everything starts afresh again. Who cares whether you are a triple A student if you don't do well in university? a degree is more important than anything else.

To whoever is concerned, especially those with me during the results day, don't need to worry, i'm okay long ago. i can't control myself during that day because it's inevitable my emotions will run high lol.


Created at 2:44 PM


SF, 19 *sigh*
thinks search engines are more of a nuisance than help
is a fangirl of FFVII, FFXIII Versus
can be really crazy beyond hope if she feels restless
thinks she has no musical talent, but plays the piano anyway.


to slack around. I love rotting at home than going out the whole day shopping. and i'm serious.
Link Out

[Kah Lok]
[Kelvin Soh]
[Kelvin Soo]
[Kim Soon]
[Ming Hao]
[Pei Zhi]
[Qin Qi]
[Zhen Ting]


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