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| Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Just now when I was delivering files to my colleague(she's not at her desk), as I put down the file, I decided to 'explore' what she has pinned on the wall. You know, we have those notice-board type walls attached to our tables so that we can pin up whatever we want(no porn though). Then I read this much-debatable(sp?) thing she pinned up. Here's a clue: She's a Christian. So if you are those ultra-sensitive kind of people towards religion, I advise you not read it. I don't want people to *(!@#^!#^)# in my tagboard lol. But I swear, I'm not going to be discriminating or any kinds of these forms towards any religion. Just purely my thoughts.

So it goes in this piece of mini poster she pinned:

"How could you call yourself a free-thinker if you wouldn't believe my existence? - God"

I have always pride myself as a free thinker because there's no religious restrictions I have to follow. Though I still pray in temples occasionally and I do have an altar at home, it's because I'm still a Buddhist on black and white. Sort-of saying we are just following our earlier generations. I don't have a problem with that, but if you force me to believe in something I don't ever will, I would say, stop wasting your time.

I feel this statement is doubtful. Spiteful, maybe. I don't know whether the 'free-thinker' in the statement refers to the free thinkers, aka non-religious, but after I read it I feel... how do I say, weird maybe? Nope. Empty? No I'm not angry or irritated or frustrated hahahah, okay it provokes me in thinking of a lot of stuffs.

Come to think of it, the meaning of 'free thinker' is pretty ambiguous. It can be 1) freedom to think and believe in anything one wants, and 2) someone whose thoughts are free, and can accept anything. If the statement refers to 2), then it's theoretically right. But sorry, i belong to 1). I believe majority of the free thinkers fall under 1). It's exactly why we don't believe in God, that we are free thinkers, not Christians, Catholics, or whatsoever. This belief, is what makes us free thinkers unique and different from others. Just like any other religions who pride themselves with beliefs other religions don't.

Ultimately, it's how one defines this word 'free'.

Okay, I should stop here. Actually I posted something more but I'm afraid it's going too deep and sensitive. I don't want to be another blogger to go to jail because of blogging. Sheesh.


Created at 5:11 PM

| Monday, February 26, 2007

26th Feb 2007 @ 3.30pm while surfing MOE website:

Notification of Release of 2006 GCE A-Level Examination Results

The results of the 2006 Singapore-Cambridge GCE Advanced Level Examination will be released on Friday, 2 March 2007.
School candidates may obtain their result slips from their respective schools from 2.30 pm on 2 March 2007.
Private candidates will be able to obtain their results through the Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board’s website after 2.30 pm on 2 March 2007. They will also be notified of their results by post.

Imagine my WTF reaction on the face at work. Hahahaha luckily my table faces the wall.

One word: DIE.


Created at 4:51 PM

| Thursday, February 22, 2007

This is a bad thing.

I have grown too much attached to the forum I go to.

Mainly because of work, I have nothing to do so I go to the forums and chat with the others, mainly people from the other side of the world who I have never ever met before, and most probably will never meet.

Recently I fell out with a petty a**wipe male member. He used to be those kind when I go on msn he will go "OMG IT'S SHUF" and he will type faster than I can read >.> Frankly I don't really like him but since he's nice to me I'm like... oh well. But after he became unhappy over something I posted he's like *(&!@)*#_! and turned his back on me. Like I care la, but then this makes me think of something.

Meeting friends online is really unreliable. Because they can always hide behind a mask, pretend they are really nice but actually, he/she is just an a**hole. That's why I never really dared to bare it all out to anyone I have never met before asides online. Taking example of my case, one day he is oh-so-nice to me, today he's going OMGWTFBBQ on me.

Woah. Online friendships are so vulnerable.


Created at 8:59 PM

| Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I have been blogging more because of... ironically, work.


Now, working time = Slacking time when there's no work for me to do = Blog. Normally I blog when I have absolutely nothing else to do. Even toilet breaks. >.>

Actually, I just found my previous post being quite funny, after reading it for the first time just now after I posted it. It wasn't meant to be funny >.> At least, I didn't carry the mood of wanting to amuse people with my posts when I was blogging that post that day. Hahahaha after some more years, I will become the master of sarcasm LOL


I'm kind-of blabbering nonsense now. Because I need to think of more things to type to spend more time so that in no time I can go home. Today since morning, no one passed me anything to do. Thanks to my superb acting xD I was supposed to be rushing out some stuffs for my colleagues. I finished it yesterday. My supervisor didn't know, so maybe she thought that I'm still busy. So she didn't disturb me, and I acted busy as well. Muahahahaha. I'm so glad I'm wasting my time here but I'm lazy to ask for work >.>

I'm so looking forward to this year's CNY. Sigh.

Oh yeah, last Saturday went to Zt's house to bake cookies. Not bad leh! hahahaha. Gave many people to try our cookies and they all said it's nice YAY. Asides Zt reminding me TO ADD EGG INSIDE THE DOUGH TO BAKE, she didn't do anything xD Luckily Smelly decided to come and stink up Zt's house and she helped hahaha

Can't wait for the weekends after the cny week. Because we are making sushi <3


Created at 3:06 PM

| Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Some people just cannot earn themselves sympathy when they wanted to.

I'm now at work and was browsing through friendster just now (yes i'm THIS bored). And you know friendster has this blog function where people can... blog. Yeah.


Was looking through and saw this all-time-favourite joker of ZHSS NPCC squad. Code name: The Ant. Alarm: Hor! hor! hor! hor! Zt and Smelly should know who I'm talking about. Maybe some other people too.

No no it's not his/her photos this time (the joker actually now takes decent photos for a change, but still some emo and act-cute essence in some). It's one of the posts. Goes all pitiful and angry and emo and whatever shit, the joker wants everyone to accept him/her. All because of one petty... incident. I shook my head throughout the entire post while reading it. He/She feels discriminated and feels everyone treats him/her badly and a retard.

Alright then, I will try to treat you better, seeing how badly the joker's been treated. Like us always talking behind his/her back. HAHAHA. But as I scroll upwards, I begin to take notice of the blog address.

It says, "retarrrrdddeeddd-fooolll.friendster.blahblahblah..." or something like that. In those ever-yicky sticky fonts.


If you want people to change their opinions about you, please initiate the change yourself. If you have already labelled yourself as "retarded fool", you can't blame others viewing you as a retard too. C'mon, we are treating you like what you want people to know who you are.

(I admit I'm long prejudiced about the joker, but wtf at the blog title lol)

That post was pretty long ago. Yeah.

Just some random blabbering before I knock off from work in 20 minutes' time.


Created at 5:53 PM

| Saturday, February 03, 2007

HAHA. My tagboard has been really lively these few days. I feel loved at the same time too <3



I have been thinking about death recently. No no don't get it wrong. I'm not an emo shit or suicidal person HAHA. It's just that maybe as you grow older, you tend to think about more things you had never cared about in the past.

You can call me overly sensitive, but recently whenever I read about those people who suddenly died without any warning or symptoms like those perfectly healthy people sleeping to their deaths or just got involved in accidents, leaving others totally shocked and unaware, it's not the people who died suffer.. it's the people who got left behind. I totally feel for them even though we are total strangers. I never did when I was younger.

Actually, death is not the scariest thing. Awaiting for it is. Growing old is something I'm definitely not looking forward to >_> So now, I'm just really, really appreciating the life I'm having right now as a teenager, as a young adult. Youth is short. Hahaha. So sometimes I kinda regret that I have no courage to do something extraordinary, whilst I'm still young. I don't want to be normal and ordinary, but gosh it's really hard not to be one.

Depressing as it seems, I keep thinking about how I would handle the days without my family by my side. Well, we all grow old and would go our separate ways, maybe I would get married and leave this beloved home and my brothers will sure have their own wives too, their own family. Mum and Dad will be left here with us coming back only on weekends... I will sure miss them to such an extent it's hard to describe. Mushy but true. Really. I feel... sad. I don't want to grow up. I don't want to enter the adult world, I don't want to be an adult. I'm really bad at adapting to changes. I love my family as in how it is now, I can't imagine how my life would be without them.

As I typed, I imagined it, this actually got me depressed... And damn. I just felt a tear rolling down my left cheek.


Created at 1:10 AM


SF, 19 *sigh*
thinks search engines are more of a nuisance than help
is a fangirl of FFVII, FFXIII Versus
can be really crazy beyond hope if she feels restless
thinks she has no musical talent, but plays the piano anyway.


to slack around. I love rotting at home than going out the whole day shopping. and i'm serious.
Link Out

[Kah Lok]
[Kelvin Soh]
[Kelvin Soo]
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