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| Saturday, December 30, 2006

A big thank you to everyone who sent their wishes via SMS and other means ^^

And oh yeah, I loveee all the gifts =D

Though turning 18 is old already ='( , but it's okay. I'm still younger than most of you! Muahahahaa XD


Created at 9:49 PM

| Tuesday, December 26, 2006

'Tis the season to be jolly *jingle jingle*


Today's Boxing Day. Which is also the BIG shopping day. Post Christmas Sales are the best, where you can buy everything at the cheapest rate all year round.

Too bad I have to spend the time in the office working T_T

But anyway.

Last Saturday, Pz, Rachel, Gen and I were out to celebrate christmas eating "christmas lunch" at Pizza Hut. Then they decided to celebrate my birthday also that day because I wasn't going to be free on the birthday itself because i reserved the day for zt, xinxin and maybe smelly <3


Anyway, they decided to bring me to the cake shop Sweet Secrets(I think) at Plaza Singapura and ordered me this chocolate banana cake for me. Hahaha one slice only and we four share together XD Then this group of Boys Brigade guys started to stand behind our table and whispered within themselves. I wasn't aware, but Pz said they kept sneaking glances at us and were discussing something like, "Ay want to ask them?", "AIYA JUST ASK LA" and got prtty frustrated with each other. Just when we are going off after eating finish our cake, this indian guy wearing the BB shirt approached our table...

"Hi, I'm from Boys Brigade and we are doing this..."

...I was about to say NO. because I thought he's going to do something for charity and seriously I have no money already. I was going to wave him off then i heard this...

"... challenge to collect 3 kisses from stranger girls."

Imagine how big a shark's jaws would open when it is approaching its prey. My mouth dropped open exactly like it.

Gen and Pz's eyes went O.O.

Rachel's reaction made me laugh out after I recovered from my lil shock. She went HUH?!??!? and her mouth dropped bigger than mine, and her eyes look like they will pop out any moment (okay i'm exaggerating XD).

Anyway, Rachel's reaction put off some of the already-embarrassed Boys Brigade guys standing behind the Indian boy. They were like, "woah go la go la, so pai seh."


I was still amused when the Indian boy kept probing, but onviously he was getting more embarrassed with every second he's standing beside our table.

"urm, we already collected 2 kisses from others, so we need just ONE more... then we can go back to our school." His tone was pleading + an obvious embarrassed tone. I was like thinking, ay should I help him or not, because he looks really... anxious. The group of boys behind him was like pretty anxious as well waiting for our answer. Then Rachel has to blurt out:


XD typical of Rachel for spoiling everything. Of course, her comment erupted a fierce argument of who should be the one doing the impossible task. lol

Anyway, the desperate Indian guy in the end ended up promoting his "handsome" friend saying how good looking they are and it wouldn't be a loss if we gave away our kiss. In the end, he was like saying, "okay okay kiss on hand also never mind."

Just when we were at a loss deciding, the always calm and collected Pz said:

"No, sorry we wouldn't do it." And smiled at them. The Indian boy was like, "Noooo...?" though sad but he smiled back. Funny enough, I noticed we all heaved a sigh of relief, Gen, Rachel, me and the rest of the Boys Brigade. Hahahaha quite funny leh XD

After they left, Pz said that we shouldn't believe them so easily. What if their "challenge" was a lie and we were made fools? Trust Pz being so analytical. Hahaha. But honestly, I think the boys were genuinely asking because of their interesting facial expressions throughout the whole conversations. XD

But anyway, I was so amused by this incident, I decided to blog about it. Hahahaha

Many interesting things happened during sunday when zt, xinxin and I went shopping at Bugis Street, But too lazy to blog about it la. Details at ZT's blog. HAHAHA

(quite a long entry eh?)

Created at 9:28 PM

| Tuesday, December 19, 2006

If not for my colleague's kindness and generosity of donating her internet connection to me, I think I can just rot and get wrinkled, and eventually die in the office.

This is sad.


Created at 2:50 PM

| Saturday, December 02, 2006


Congrats on joining the OLD gang. Nahahaha >=D

Point is, I can "suan" you because I'm still 17 though i know I will be old soon ahahaha

Hope ya like your presents! But if you don't like you only have yourself to blame because it's you who chose the presents yourself LOL XD

OH YEAH. Some funny stuffs to see. Those "clever" math questions:

Reminds me of Zhen Ting's brother during O levels haha

Oh yeah, to those curious about what happened between Averil(that superstar girl) and Steven Lim, here's the link to Steven Lim's video about him being wrongly accused:

If you ask for my opinions, I think I believe Steven Lim more because of all criticisms he had ever received from Day One, this is the first time he really became so agitated. lol. Seems pretty real.

But again, who cares about Project Superstar? I'm not even watching anymore. I'm just curious about this incident because it involves Steven Lim haha

Honestly, Singapore has so many star-searching contests they are killing off the enthusiasm about them themselves. =P


Created at 9:28 PM


SF, 19 *sigh*
thinks search engines are more of a nuisance than help
is a fangirl of FFVII, FFXIII Versus
can be really crazy beyond hope if she feels restless
thinks she has no musical talent, but plays the piano anyway.


to slack around. I love rotting at home than going out the whole day shopping. and i'm serious.
Link Out

[Kah Lok]
[Kelvin Soh]
[Kelvin Soo]
[Kim Soon]
[Ming Hao]
[Pei Zhi]
[Qin Qi]
[Zhen Ting]


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